The global high-net worth individual(HNWI) population expanded by 7.8% (1.7 million new HNWIs), and wealth swelled by 8% (US$6.4 tn). In the Middle East, HNWI population and wealth grew by 5.5% and 6.3%, respectively. The report features the regional outlook of HNWIs with comparative data between UAE and Saudi Arabia, emphasising the significant investment, finance, asset, and retirement services that UAE offer international HNWIs.

Highlights from the detailed report include:

  • Examines the factors that contributed to the wealth growth of the HNWI and Ultra-HNWI population across the globe.
  • Analysis of global investment and business ecosystem to build embedded wealth management solutions driven by a comprehensive suite of services for family offices.
  • Insight into the recent regional data to assess the impact of the legal and regulatory changes on attracting substantial investments from HNWIs.
  • In-depth presentation of key services to support primary goals of HNWIs wealth management, private equity and asset management, succession planning, insurance and retirement planning.
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